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Reflecting on My TTALK

I have just finished my TTALK. At first I was upset with how my TTALK went because there were a lot of technical difficulties and I had felt that I could have done much better had the smartboard functioned properly. But because you can't change the past, I decided to look at the positives. After going back and watching my TTALK, I realized that I was able to keep going even though the smartboard had turned off and my slides vanished off the screen. I am happy with how I was able to handle the technical difficulties. Overall I am pleased with my project but I feel that if there weren't difficulties that my message could have gotten across better.

Leading up to my TTALK I was practicing every night. I think that this was a good idea because I felt very prepared. I feel that if I hadn't prepared as much as I did then I wouldn't have been able to handle the technology difficulties.

Even with the technical difficulties, I think that I had a really good presentation. I think that even though there were problems with the presentation, I feel that it was still very good.

Overall I was able to learn a lot from this project. I learned many new strategies that will help me in future projects. For example, I learned how to Action Plan, Prepare Slides and how that the more you practice the better you feel while presenting. This project was the first major project that I have ever done and I think that I have benefitted a lot from it.

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